adventures of an american housewife in the south of france

Allergy Beard, Bed Beard

Allergies have attacked the Haute Housewife Household this week and no one is left unaffected.  I blame the erratic change in weather and the mysterious cherry blossom/black plum tree in our backyard. The Hub, Fig and I have all been sneezing all week.  Usually when a dog suddenly begins sneezing violently and constantly, it's either from allergies or having something stuck up their nose, but since his...

New Friend, New Bed Beard

Fig is still under "restricted activity" until his appointment with the Orthopedic Surgeon on 2/24, but that didn't stop him from running around all day and playing with his new office friend, Teddy. People have often told me that Figaro has "human like" eyes and it seems that Teddy has this same feature.  Isn't he just the cutest?!  (Besides Fig, of course).  My new boss at work rescued Teddy last week...

Week 2 of Bed Rest: Restless Bed Beard

Poor Figgynoodle is on his second week of Bed Rest.  We had our vet appointment last Saturday and after the doctor saw that Fig is still limping, she decided that he needs to see an Orthopedic Surgeon to determine the next steps.  The Orthopedic Surgeon does not have an open appointment until February 24th (what!) so in the meantime, Fig must remain under "restricted activity."  No running, no playing fetch, no...

Bed Rest, Bed Beard

It's hard to explain to a dog that he's on Bed Rest.  A dog doesn't understand that running up and down the stairs, playing fetch, jumping onto the couch  - things he does daily - is exactly what he's not supposed to be doing this week.  My poor little noodle-nugget has been moping around all week acting cranky because no one is playing with him and wondering why I'm carrying him everywhere.   Even worse, he...

A Joyful Life, A Joyful Bed Beard

This week has been a tough one, dear readers.  I spent most of the week in Rowe, New Mexico with my family, saying good-bye to our cousin Amanda, who passed away tragically one week ago today.  I want to tell you her story because I think it holds an important message to share. Amanda was a senior in high school, 18 years old.  She was a cheerleader and a straight A student with a 4.0 GPA.  She had 6...

Office Bed Beard

One of the things I really love about my new job is that I get to bring Figaro to work with me.  It's nice not to have to worry about rushing home because poor Fig's been alone and lonely all day.  Now he can spend the day with me, my co-workers, and their adorable dogs who also frequent the office.  Fig loves saying hi to everyone, alerting us as to when the UPS man has arrived, and exploring every nook and...

A New Year, A New Beard

Well, we've made it through the first full week of the year!  I have to say, 2011 is already shaping up to be a pretty good one.  My little sister got engaged (congrats Tori and Patrick!), I went to the Rose Bowl (we won't discuss the outcome) hung out with some of my favorite LA ladies, the Packers advanced into the playoffs, and last night I had dinner with an old friend that I hadn't seen since my...

The Year in Review & Bed Beard

Happy New Year everyone! Looking back on 2010, I can't help but feel truly blessed for what a great year it's been.  Michael and I had our share of disappointments, but overall, 2010 was very good to us. We took our 3 week honeymoon trip to Thailand and celebrated our first wedding anniversary.  We did a 3,200 mile road trip through the Midwest, and also traveled to France, Croatia and Germany.  Some very dear...

Snow Beard and Bed Beard: Double Christmas Edition

Fig joined us on our long flight back to Wisconsin, and he was a true champ! He stayed calm and quiet in his bag, even during our unexpected 4 hour layover in Chicago. Fig's been having a great time back in Wisconsin.  He's wearing his sweaters to stay warm and he loves playing in the snow.  My sister-in-law snapped a cute picture of Fig outside and had the great idea of posting it as his "Snow Beard." ...

Bunny’s Bed Beard

From the time Figaro was a baby, I have referred to him as my Little Bunny.  I'm sure I'm giving him an identity complex, but there is something so precious and cuddly about Fig that makes me think of a soft, little bunny on Easter morning hopping around with some plastic eggs.  I don't tell Fig about the fact that bunnies are Michael's arch rival, causing him to sneeze and his eyes to get red and watery...

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