adventures of an american housewife in the south of france

New Friend, New Bed Beard

Fig is still under "restricted activity" until his appointment with the Orthopedic Surgeon on 2/24, but that didn't stop him from running around all day and playing with his new office friend, Teddy.

Look at that face!

People have often told me that Figaro has "human like" eyes and it seems that Teddy has this same feature.  Isn't he just the cutest?!  (Besides Fig, of course).  My new boss at work rescued Teddy last week and he is just as sweet as can be.  He doesn't bark, he likes to cuddle and he likes to chase Fig around and try to hump him.  We aren't sure what kind of dog he is or how old he is, but to me, he looks like a Jack Russel/Cairn Terrier mix and acts like he's about a year and a half. After a long day of playing (shhh, don't tell the doc!) Fig came home and took a nap.  And you know what happens after a nap...Bed Beard!

rest up, Bunny!

After the crazy debauchery of last weekend, I'm really looking forward to spending a quiet weekend at home.  We have barely any plans except for Beerunch on Sunday, which I'm super duper pumped about!  My dear friend Jim has worked on this SF Beer Week event for the last few years and this is the first time I'm able to attend.  Jim's beer MateVeza will be featured at the brunch along with other beers paired with brunch food for a 7 course tasting menu.  How fun!  It sold out today (300 people!) but don't worry if you aren't attending, I'll be telling all of you about it during next week's Hump Day post. Have a great weekend, friends!

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