We've had a very busy week of appointments over here, so I just wanted to provide a little update of what's been going on with Bonbon.
I call that picture The Cone Bump. Little Bonbon has been spinning, spinning, spinning all over the place and moving and shaking! She morphs my belly into the funniest shapes: cones, lopsided, even squares. One night she was bouncing around so much that I took a video. I...
Do you guys watch Breaking Bad? Ever since Mike stashed his secret Go Bag in the trunk of his car so that he could flee the country at a moment's notice, we've been calling our hospital bag The Go Bag. Our Go Bag will contain our passports, but not millions of dollars, unfortunately.
So since I'm entering the 38th week of pregnancy this weekend, we thought it would be an appropriate time to start getting our...
We've spent the last few weekends shopping, building, and organizing Bonbon's bedroom and we're finally done! When we first talked about the vision we had for the room, we wanted to be very minimalistic, knowing that we could be/probably would be picking up and moving during the first 6-9 months of Bonbon's life. That definitely ruled out painting (not sure if we're allowed to anyway - the previous tenants/owner...
Posted on Sep 11th, 2012 in
Travel |
For our final excursion with Devon, we took her to one of my favorite nearby villages, St. Guilhem-le-Désert.
This beautiful, medieval village is situated along the Hérault River and is surrounded by gorges, mountains, and the Santiago de Compostella pilgrimage trail. There are so many fun, outdoorsy activities to do in this area like hiking, kayaking, climbing, biking, etc. Last summer I went on a...
I've told you all before how pleased we are with the level of health care we receive here in France. They really seem to be focused on preventative treatment and finding the root of your symptoms before it becomes a serious problem that needs to be treated with drugs and interventions. The prenatal care is no different. I've felt very taken care of during this entire pregnancy and like all of my concerns are...