adventures of an american housewife in the south of france

Summer Recipes: Lemon Dill Quinoa Salad

Ok, I realize I've already shared a few Quinoa Salad recipes with you all (seen here and here) but lately, I've been particularly addicted to my latest creation and I had to share it with you.  We've been on a serious low-carb kick and this has been a nice alternative to our usual green salad combinations. I'm not going to lie, this salad is really easy to make, but it does take some time to get everything...

Summer Recipes: Salad Montpelliérain and How to Make Dressing

You've probably heard of a Salad Niçoise, but have you ever heard of a Salad Montpelliérain?  I assume not, because we just made it up.  A basic Salad Niçoise contains tuna, green beans, potatoes, hard boiled eggs, tomatoes, olives, and anchovies.  The Hub and I don't particularly like anchovies, only like olives occasionally, and prefer the salmon here in France to the tuna, so we decided to put together our...

Summer Recipes: No Cook Zucchini Side Salad

My Summer Recipe series continues with another cold, healthy solution to your hot days.  Ready for the simplest way to prepare zucchini?  I've noticed a lot of Zucchini Salads in cooking magazines and blogs recently so I decided to try it myself.  Seriously this is so easy, Figaro could probably do it.  You don't even have to cook it!  I don't get too excited at the prospect of eating raw zucchini, but I swear,...

French Immersion: Coq au Vin

In the spirit of embracing our move to France, I have been trying my hand at a few classic French dishes, like the Salmon en Papillote.  Last weekend I decided to make Coq au Vin for The Hub, Kate and Shawn. Do you think it's beautiful?  Well you better, because it took me almost SIX HOURS to make it.  It was a labor of love that was really, really delicious.  The French sure know how to develop flavor...

Super Sad True Book Club

The only thing super sad about this month's book club is that I didn't read the book, Super Sad True Love Story:  A Novel by Gary Shteyngart.  Jillian picked this book about a May-December romance set in futuristic NYC and I actually can't wait to read it at some point.  Everyone really enjoyed it, but between work, play and the fact that I'm working through a 900 page John Irving novel, I just didn't have time...

Richard Goes Crazy and a Shrimp-Quinoa Salad

Before I get into today's recipe, I just have to share a few thoughts on last night's episode of  Top Chef, which is obviously one of my favorite shows.  I've seen every season (including Top Chef Masters) except for the D.C. season.  I love, love, love Richard Blais.  I think he is the best chef who has ever been on the show, period.  Game Over.  When you think about what makes someone a "Top Chef", Richard...

Crunchy & Colorful Winter Salad with Red Onion Vinaigrette

I try to eat a salad for lunch everyday but, let's face it, salads get boring.  A typical lunchtime salad for me includes romaine or spinach leaves with cucumbers, tomatoes, red peppers, carrots and lowfat feta.  Simple, easy to make the night before, and light on the calories.  This week I decided to mix it up by making a Crunchy and Colorful Winter Salad with Red Onion Vinaigrette.  I swapped out the boring...

Fresh and Healthy Avocado Dip/Dressing

Over the last few years, I've really gotten into making my own salad dressing.  Usually I just whip up a simple vinaigrette with olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper and different kinds of vinegar, but every once in awhile I'll put forth a little more effort and throw in shallots or herbs or mustard. I really love this Avocado Dressing recipe from The Kitchn because it's super fresh tasting and simple to make. ...

Vegetarian Inspiration – Stuffed Acorn Squash

Last week we had our dear friends Marq and Dawn over for dinner.  They are both vegetarians so I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to try out a recipe from The Kitchn that I have been eyeing:  Stuffed Acorn Squash.  Little did I know that Marq does not actually like acorn squash.  When he admitted this to me I told him, "too bad, I already bought them so now you have to eat them."  You can say that...

Super Easy Snack From an Almost Empty Fridge

Yesterday I came home from a long day of running errands absolutely famished!  Unfortunately, like Old Mother Hubbard, my cupboard was bare.  I was able to scrounge up a tomato from the Farmer's Market and one last piece of pita bread....not too appetizing.  But in 5 minutes, and with the help of my basil plant, I was able to turn my scraps into a delicious snack! Here's what you'll need: 1 large...

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