adventures of an american housewife in the south of france

Busy Day, Busy Bed Beard

I should start off this post by telling you all that I woke up at 6am today and immediately spent the next 10 hours enduring some very frustrating French bureaucracy.  So suffice it to say,  I'm pretty tired and cranky right now. Since Michael leaves for another long trip to L.A. again tomorrow (wah!!) we really needed to begin the process of getting our carte de séjour, or French residency card, before our...

Just Like Home

Remember yesterday when I told you that the weather felt almost San Francisco-ish?  Well, scratch the "ish."   Today has been a full blown San Francisco day with temps in the low 60s and a light, steady rainfall since late last night - I'm loving it!  I busted out my rainboots and took a walk to market to buy ingredients for beef stew. The rain brought out all the snails which was really...

Hump Day: A Year in Provence

I'm happy to tell you that the last few days here have been much cooler than last week.  Almost San Francisco-y (awww!) so we feel right at home.  It's been the perfect weather to snuggle up on the couch with a great bottle of red wine, which has been a nice change from our rosés. Before we left for France, my friend Leslie gave me a copy of a book she read right before she moved to France:  A Year in...

An Eggy, Woody, Winey Weekend

Things we did this weekend: Finished unpacking (we are so close to being done!) Set up our music station (currently listening to some Parliament as I type) Cleaned our balcony windows after getting egged. (are we still in middle school?) Saw Minuit à Paris in VO (super cute and we loved, but as far as modern day Woody Allen, I prefer Melinda and Melinda or Vicky Cristina Barcelona) Drank way...

French Bed Beard: Fig’s Diary

Hi Everyone! Are you as happy as I am that it's Friday?  I know I should probably tell you all about how I'm adjusting to my new home.  I should tell you how much I love my terrace and windows and blah, blah, blah.  That is all true, but I have other things on my mind.  You see, I've met someone. Her name is Teti and she's young, beautiful and Italian.  Her father is a surgeon and her mother...

The Hot Housewife

Oooohhhweee it's HOT here in the south of France.  For the entire last week the temperatures have been in the 90s, so each time I step outside, the blazing sun beats down on my bare shoulders causing me to sweat immediately.  It's the kind of heat I could only dream about in San Francisco and the fact that already happening in May makes me a little bit nervous for the summer.   We do not have air conditioning in...

Hump Day: Date Night

With the move about halfway to completion, I really felt that last night was time for a night off.  Everything's gone pretty smoothly (with the exception of a small snafu in the bed building process) but I was reaching my breaking point of unpacking and building.  Disorganization makes me absolutely crazy.  Even crazier than I already am.  When I was in college, I couldn't study in my room unless it was neat and...

Building our Home

Last night, after 39 days of homelessness, we spent the first night in our new apartment.  We have a long way to go before we're fully unpacked and settled in, but it felt really good to be in a bed that's our own.  We've been hard at work over the last few days shopping for all our furniture, packing up our belongings at the hotel and bringing everything over to the new apartment. Every single...

Moving Weekend, Moving Bed Beard

Well it's finally here - Moving Weekend!  This afternoon while Michael was on a train from Paris to Montpellier, I went to the apartment, signed the lease and picked up the keys.  And I have to be honest, I'm really overwhelmed.  Before this new place becomes our home, the whole apartment needs to be cleaned, every single piece of furniture needs to be purchased and assembled, we need to learn how to work all the...

My French Indulgence

I just want to take moment to tell you all what I've been stuffing my face with here in France.  Not cheese, not baguettes, not pastries.  It's another treat that France does oh so well...yogurt. Yep, I can't stop eating it.  Our friends Nate and Jess (who also lived in France via Ubisoft) told us all about the amazing yogurts of France, and - to be honest - I sort of brushed it off.  I've never been a huge...

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