adventures of an american housewife in the south of france

An Eggy, Woody, Winey Weekend


Things we did this weekend:

  1. Finished unpacking (we are so close to being done!)
  2. Set up our music station (currently listening to some Parliament as I type)
  3. Cleaned our balcony windows after getting egged. (are we still in middle school?)
  4. Saw Minuit à Paris in VO (super cute and we loved, but as far as modern day Woody Allen, I prefer Melinda and Melinda or Vicky Cristina Barcelona)
  5. Drank way too much wine with new friends (and on a Sunday night!)
Today Michael and I had planned to get our new French cell phones, plus phone, internet, and cable for the apartment.  However, as always, we were trying to jump a step.  After about 45 minutes at the Orange store, we learned that before we can get all this, not only do we need a French address (check!) and French bank account (check!) but we also need our carte du sejour, which is our residency card.  It's something we had planned to take care of this week anyway, but  it's a really annoying process.  To get the carte du sejour, we need to go the Prefecture at 6:00am (what!) with our temporary visa, passports, and photos and stand in what we're told is a monstrous line for a few hours.  That's the plan for tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to it, although I am really excited about finally having a phone after almost 6 weeks without one. Before our soul crushing trip to get our cell phones, Michael came home so that we could have lunch together.  It's a fun perk of living a 10 minute walk from work.  I picked up some fattoush and tabouleh from the Greek market around the corner and we had a lovely little visit.


yummy fattoush

We have a lot to take care of this week because Michael is leaving on Saturday to go to L.A. ...again.  I'm not too excited about spending another full week all by myself, but it means that I'm one step closer to meeting Michael in L.A. for a really, really exciting vacation that will be full of family, friends, Yosemite, and a wedding.  I just can't wait!

2 Responses to “An Eggy, Woody, Winey Weekend”

  1. Trisha jochen says:

    Hey! Not sure how long I guys will be in la, but you are more than welcome to stay with us if you need a place. Our downstairs guest room has it’s own entryway so u guys can come and go as you please. Xo

    • Natalie says:

      you are so sweet, trisha – thank you! michael will be there longer than me so i’ll let him know! he’s picking me up from the airport and we’re driving straight to yosemite to meet up with his parents before marq’s wedding :) i can’t wait to be back in cali!

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