Posted on Apr 8th, 2011 in
Haute Life |
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Today is my darling Figaro Newton's 6th Birthday. I can't believe he's getting so old. In dog years, he is now officially older than me and The Hub!
I had grown up with a dog my whole life (R.I.P. Shorty Oreo) and desperately wanted one of my own. When I decided to move to San Francisco without knowing a single soul, I figured it was a great time to get a dog to keep me company. I started off looking...
Posted on Apr 7th, 2011 in
Haute Life |
Thank God for friends. The Hub and I have been working like dogs this week to try to accomplish all we need to do before the Garage Sale this weekend and last night Shawn and Kate came over to help us out. Kate made a delicious dinner and the four of us took down our famous "Fillmore Wall." You see, The Fillmore and The Warfield give away free posters at a lot of shows and The Hub and I have been to, well a...
Posted on Apr 4th, 2011 in
Haute Life |
Moving sucks anyway you slice it, but I think I've been putting off packing because I was dreading the moment our house went from "our home" to "the place we're leaving behind." We've lived in our house for 3.5 years and it truly was our home. I remember being so excited about moving into this place back in 2007. It was the first time I'd ever moved in with a boyfriend and it was the easiest move I'd ever done...
Posted on Apr 1st, 2011 in
Haute Life |
1 comment
I can't believe that today is already my last day of work...again. It's another bittersweet moment for me because I was really enjoying my new company and new role. Even though I had already worked with this company as my client over the last 5 years, I've learned so much in the past four months as one of their employees. Fig will also miss coming to work with me. It seems like only yesterday he was riding in my...