adventures of an american housewife in the south of france

Food Porn Dictionary: International Edition

With all our recent travels, I thought it would be fun to put together an International Edition of the Food Porn Dictionary.  It's not just France that has great food in Europe, you know.  Our first stop is... COPENHAGEN, DENMARK Typical Danish food consists of open faced sandwiches, plus hearty dishes with lots of meats, potatoes, and gravy.  As I mentioned in my travel post, Copenhagen is surprisingly a...

Food Porn Dictionary: Part II

Get out your drool buckets and napkins because you're gonna need them.  It's time for another episode of the Food Porn Dictionary!  This one will be a little less of a "dictionary" than the first episode, because I wasn't quite as diligent at writing down the exact name of every dish.  But I will tell you what I remember and I can I find on menus online.  But you don't care, right?  You just want to see all the...

Food Porn Dictionary

Even though we won't start our French classes until later this week, The Hub and I are having fun continuing our podcasts lessons and learning from new friends.  In addition to learning the French equivalent of the phrase, "that's what she said" (which when literally translated is much dirtier than anything Michael Scott would ever say intentionally), we've pretty much figured out everything we need to know to...

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