adventures of an american housewife in the south of france

Not Your Ordinary Baby Shower, Not Your Ordinary Cupcakes

recipe below

My dear friend Randi will be giving birth in a matter of weeks and us girls recently got together to celebrate!  Randi’s best friend Dawn planned a lovely afternoon at La Note, a delicious French brunch spot in Berkeley. We dined, we laughed, we cried!  Randi and her husband KC are some pretty amazing people and they are taking the road less traveled approach to this pregnancy.  They are waiting until the baby is born to discover the sex and they are also going to a birthing center, rather than a hospital, to have a natural childbirth with a midwife.    As a way to maintain lots of positive, loving energy during the birthing process, we all presented Randi with a bead or charm that she can use to make a “birthing bracelet.”  She’ll wear the bracelet during labor to keep her focused and to remind her of everyone who is thinking of her!

bread and croissants

yummy pancakes with creme fraiche

delicius scrambled eggs with cream cheese

gingerbread pancakes with fruit

For a sweet dessert, I assembled some “Rattle Cupcakes”!   I stole the idea from some pictures that I saw from another friend’s baby shower.  Aren’t they adorable! And they are super easy!  Here’s what you’ll need:
  • 1 box of cake mix (I used Funfetti)
  • Cute cupcake liners
  • 1 can of frosting (again, Funfetti!  Because who doesn't love it?)
  • ~20 Blow-Pops (or Tootsie Pops, but I liked the colors of the Blow-Pops better)
  • Ribbon
  1. Make cupcakes according to a mix
  2. Frost and decorate as desired
  3. Unwrap Blow-Pops
  4. Tie ribbon the stick of each Blow-Pop
  5. Push the stick of the Blow-Pop into the side of the cupcake*
*As a way to make this easier, I used a grill skewer to poke a little hole in the liner, then pushed the Blow-Pop in Enjoy!

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