adventures of an american housewife in the south of france

Sick on Hump Day: Hot Toddy, Fact or Fiction?

It seems like everyone is sick right now.  I think it's a combination of the weather changing and the stress of the year.  I started feeling something coming on Thanksgiving night and have been guzzling Zinc and Vitamin C ever since.  I've managed to keep illness at bay, but I can feel it lying in wait ready to strike at any minute! That got me thinking about being sick on Hump Day.  Which got me thinking of Hot Toddys (Toddies?):  a mixed drink which includes alcohol and is served hot.  Back in the day, people believed this drink would help cure a cold or flu.  Probably something about the whiskey killing the germs.  Although there are many that still use this remedy today, most doctors caution against it since the alcohol can cause dehydration. I like to think that a Hot Toddy can be useful when ill.  The vapors help with congestion and the liquor makes you drowsy.  So how exactly do you make this magical concoction?  My quick and easy recipe is to make Numi Moroccan Mint Tea and pour some whiskey in.  In case you want something a little more extensive, I rounded up a few recipes for you. A traditional Scottish recipe suggests pouring a shot of Scotch into a cup or mug and add boiling water to it. Add a spoonful of honey or sugar. Add a half slice of lemon, two cloves and, if available, a cinnamon stick. Let brew for three to five minutes. This Kitchn recipe describes how to make a "Bourbon Cough Syrup" for Grown Ups using Makers Mark, water, honey and lemon. Other ideas include mixing tea and lemon with Rum or Brandy.  You could also make some delicious Hot, Spiked Apple Cider. So what do you think? Do you drink Hot Toddys when you're sick or is it just an old wives tale?

image from

2 Responses to “Sick on Hump Day: Hot Toddy, Fact or Fiction?”

  1. Devon says:

    ha! i am so glad you did this post. i was in a hot toddy (toddies?) conversation yesterday and i was somewhat unclear as to what a hot toddy was (i obviously refused to ask). now that the concept has been clarified for me, i realize that yes – i have self-medicated with a hot toddy, and that when my great uncles said they were having their “cough syrup” they were really drinking hot toddies!

    • Natalie says:

      amazing! glad i could clear that up for you :) personally, i find they are a nice way to temporarily soothe (and forget about) a sore throat.

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