adventures of an american housewife in the south of france

Visit From the ‘Rents and A Freshly Cut Bed Beard

It's time to get on the road again!  On Sunday morning, The Hub and I are headed back up to Paris to meet up with my parents.  I'm really excited to see them and for them to have their first taste of Europe.  We'll be spending 2 days in Paris, 1 day in Versailles and then it's back down to Montpellier for 4 days.  It's going to be so nice to spend some time with them. When The Hub and I told my parents we were moving to France, they were incredibly supportive, just like they are with all my life decisions.  But I know my mom was a little disappointed.  My parents have always known that I wouldn't be the daughter that stayed in her hometown, but I think in their eyes I just keep moving further and further away.  First Boston, then California and finally France.  I tried to tell them that it wouldn't be that much more different than me living in California where I was already a 3 hour time difference and a 4-6 hour plane ride away.  But the truth is, it is different.  I do feel further away.  Luckily we live in a time where we can Skype, call, text and email daily so I can keep up with all that is happening back home. Someday I'd like to live in a place where I can at least get in the car and drive to my parents house, but for now we'll have to make do with transatlantic phone calls at odd hours and week long visits a few times a year.  I think I'm most excited for this visit from them so they can finally see what my life is really like over here.  After all, living in France is pretty amazing and beautiful and I know they'll appreciate this experience as much as I do.

the main gate to old town montpellier

beautiful church in old town

picture from my morning stroll


And guess who got a haircut just in time for the visit from Grandma and Grandpa?

darling pup

Doesn't he look adorable?  I'm not sure what the toilettages have against trimming his ears, but they always seem to forget that part.  I think I'm going to have to do it myself before he starts looking like a cocker spaniel.

Friday Bed Beard

Bon Weekend!

One Response to “Visit From the ‘Rents and A Freshly Cut Bed Beard”

  1. Winitri says:

    Your experience is very interesting.

    Thank you.

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