adventures of an american housewife in the south of france

Two Years ♥

Today I celebrate 2 years of being married to my best friend, true love, and  partner in crime.  People always say that you find "the one" when you aren't looking, and for both me and Michael, that statement was true. I used to laugh when people would say "when you know, you just know" - it sounded so trite!  But 3 months into my relationship with Michael, there I was, whispering to my friends as they met him, "Do you like him?  Good, because we're going to get married."  I just knew.

the very first picture taken of us together - Lake Tahoe, August 2005

I think what makes our relationship so special is that we both know there was a force that brought us together.  I’ve told you how we met, but I haven’t told you about what made us fall in love.  When Michael and I first started hanging out together, we realized that there had been several times over the last few years that we’d been in the same place at the same time.  There was even a time when we were at the same restaurant at the exact same time even though we were living thousands of miles apart, but we never met.  It wasn’t our time yet.  Never in a million years had I ever thought about moving to California.  And the job I got, which wasn’t even the one I was "supposed" to get, made Michael my client.  So I moved to California.  It was finally time for us to meet.  We were both in a bit of a weird space when we met - let’s just say that if we had met 6 months earlier or 6 months later, it might not have worked out between us the way it did.  There’s a reason we met on the day we did and the way we did and I love thinking about how all the stars were aligned to bring us together.

Marin Headlands - November, 2005

At the beginning of our relationship, there were so many times that we said the same thing at the same time or realized we were having the same thought.  We were always on the same page.  We had a running joke that our brains were two soupcans tied together with a string, always connected.  Whenever we’d blurt out the same thought at the same time, instead of saying, “jinx!”, we’d say “soupcan!”  We still do this today and that’s why we have the word “soupcan” engraved on each of our wedding rings.  So that in hard times, we can remember our special connection and how the universe brought us together.

the special soupcan i came up with to hold michael's wedding gift

When we got married, Michael’s parents gave us a card that said “Wake up every morning and remember why you fell in love.”  Coming from a couple who got married at 18 and are still madly in love today, I know it’s good advice.  Marriage is work.  Not every day is sunshine and roses.  And on those hard days, I remember the words from my in-laws and take a moment to think about all the reasons I fell in love with Michael.

our trip to Boulder - August 2005. this was the trip i really fell in love with michael

To me, Michael represents everything I want out of a partner.  When he speaks, I listen, enraptured by every word.  His voice makes me smile.  When you first meet him, he looks like he’s going to be a little goofy, but he’s actually brilliant and charming and sexy.  I like the way he moves, the way he works a crowd.  Michael is the most sociable, charming and genuine person I have ever met.  He has more friends than anyone I know, because he makes the effort to form new relationships.  He always goes out of his way to make others feel welcome.  He’s so smart and capable of anything.  When you come to him with a problem, he really takes time to understand the issue and try to help you work it out.  If a decision needs to be made, he makes it.  If someone needs to take charge, it’s him.  When he learns something, he retains it.  He loves to be adventurous.  He loves to explore.  He’s not afraid of a challenge; he’s not afraid to figure things out.  And I always trust that he will make the right decision.  I trust him completely. Writing our own vows for our wedding ceremony was really important to us.  We wanted the promises that we made to each other that day to be reflections of the life we were working to build together.  And since that life is growing and changing, we decided to re-read those vows to each other every year on our anniversary so we don't forget what we pledged to one another on the happiest day of our lives.

i hope we can always remember the happiness radiating from this picture and hold it in our hearts

Year Two of marriage was a roller coaster of emotions trying to make this move to France happen and it sure is ending with a bang!  I can't wait to see what Year Three holds in store for us. Happy Anniversary, my love!

5 Responses to “Two Years ♥”

  1. Jess says:

    happy anniversary to one of the most darling couples in the universe. love you guys! xx

  2. Julia says:

    happy anniversary!! this brought a tear to my eye. amazing. so happy for you guys. a wonderful, beautiful, fun, fabulous, PERFECT couple. xx

  3. Vivian says:

    Natalie my heart is bursting with joy for you and Michael after reading what you wrote! How wonderful, as your mother, to know how truly happy you feel in your marriage and the love that fills your heart for your husband.

    Happy Anniversary sweetheart! Savor the day and make some memories!

    P.S. I know the love you speak of even after all these years! : )

  4. Gay says:

    Happy Whirlwind!!!!

  5. Kaitlin says:

    Awwwww so sweet! Miss you both and love you!!

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