It's a boy!!! Not for me, sillies, for my sister and her husband! Today Tori found out the sex of the baby and IT. IS. A. BOY.
already making my etsy shopping list
This is pretty big news for my family. We've never really "had boys." Growing up, it was always me, my sister, and my Mom with my poor Dad cowering in the corner asking if he could please, just please switch over from Entertainment Tonight for one quick second to check the score of the game? After we told him he was being ridiculous and there was really no good reason he couldn't just go check the T.V. upstairs to see the score, we would continue to watch whatever we wanted and boss him around. It was a pretty awesome life. Then, 12 years ago when I moved out, my grandmother moved in with my parents. So you see, it's always been a houseful of women over at Huffman HQ and I have to say, we've all been pretty vocal about how exciting it would be to add another girl to our family.
Congrats Tori and Patrick!
yay, so exciting! seeing how in love you are with your nephew on michael’s side, i can only imagine how spoiled your own nephew will be :)
How incredibly exciting, Nat! An aunt of a BOY!! Gma’s gonna be the only one who’s ever done the boy thing!! Uncle Victor! Oh boy! If he’s like Victor, he’ll be incredibly handsome and a little devil with a great sense of humor and a killer laugh!!!
Congrats to your family! You should share some of your Etsy wishes for your sister. I have no clue what’s out there for boys and sometimes worry that when it’s my time there will be a boy and I won’t know what to do. haha
you are totally right, mandi! my sister in law had a little boy last year and i’ve always struggled finding adorable boy things – it’s all about girls! i think this is a great idea for an upcoming post :)
quelle triste époque ou tout est bon pour demollir les hommes .machinations .abjectje n’en crois pas un mottas de ripoux ca me donne envie de vomirmafia ect!!! les gouvernants de ce payssont quasiment tous des nuls
Tip top stuff. I’ll expect more now.
scrive:fico, sarà un secondo articolo o le sue elucubrazioni sulle risposte alle tre domande che ti ha fatto (che posso immaginare) non le sapremo mai?