Posted on Feb 8th, 2013 in
Haute Life |
Thank you all for your well wishes! It's really happening. We really only have 6 weeks left until we move back to the U.S. When I think about it in those terms, it feels overwhelming. How will we pack up all of our stuff, tie up all our loose ends, and squeeze in a few more trips, in just 6 short weeks? I'm not sure, but somehow it will get done. Oh, and flying across the world with a baby and a dog and most of our life's possessions? Don't even get me started on that. I'm a nervous wreck.

I can't wait to go on an 8 hour plane ride!
Many of our friends have asked if we are sad to leave Montpellier. And the answer is yes and no. We have loved our time here in France. It has been the opportunity of a lifetime and something that we worked towards and dreamed about for a very, very long time. We have experienced so much here and feel content and fulfilled with how we spent our 2 years - we have absolutely no regrets. But it's time to come home. I will miss the crisp winter mornings when our neighborhood boulangerie is fogged up by the heat of the warm bread on cold glass. I'll miss the accordion player in the middle of the Comédie, the windy alleyways with beautiful architecture around every twist and turn. I'll even miss the dentists who work next door, huddled outside our building enveloped in their clouds of cigarette smoke, always offering a
Bonjour and
ça va?

this is what winter looks like in the south of France
But I'm so excited to get back to modern conveniences. Having things like a dishwasher, disposal, central air and a clothes dryer is going to be like living in a dream. I can't wait to invest in a couch that seats more than 2 people and that I can actually lay down on without folding my legs in half. And a 4-door car? With power windows and locks and air conditioning? Oh yes, we're going back to America, baby! But most of all, I'm looking forward to ending this language barrier. The daily battle to communicate has lost its charm and now it's just frustrating and exhausting, especially now that Ramona is in our lives. The idea of just picking up a phone to order food or make a doctor's appointment without crippling anxiety is a luxury I haven't experienced in about 2 years. I will never take that for granted again!
This move is a great opportunity for our family. As much as we love and miss our San Francisco (tearing up while writing that!) returning was never really something we considered. We've changed, priorities have changed, and relocating with Michael's company to their studio in Cary is a big step for his career. I am so proud of him! We're really excited to get settled in the Raleigh area and start exploring our new town. We've been having fun reading local blogs about the food and music scene and perusing Craigslist for a new home. My god, do you know what kind of place you can get for the price in Raleigh? Toto, we're not in San Francisco anymore! It's all very thrilling.
So on March 22nd, we're starting the long journey back home. We are so happy to be heading back to the U.S. just in time for summer. We have so much to look forward to with a new niece arriving soon (ahhhh!!!!!), 4 weddings on the books, and a family reunion on the eastern shore. It's a great time to be coming back.

Better get packin'!
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Oh! So excited for you!
As much as I love France, I will be very excited to go back to the US too… wish I had a date set too!
Enjoy and all the best for the trip over (forget about your stuff for 7 weeks and you’ll be fine!!!)
Thank you! It’s definitely bittersweet.
YIPPEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I remember having these exact same yearnings after just 6 months in Italy. I cannot imagine the excitement you’re feeling after 2 YEARS abroad! I can’t wait to see you and meet Ramona!
I can’t smile wide enough every time I think of you moving back!! I wish I was able to come help with the move, but I’ll be happy to help you settle in your new place, if needed.
Au revoir France! :))))))))
I can’t wait to get visits scheduled on our calendars! Did you know we’ll only be 4 hours and 10 minutes apart??? That totally means that on Friday afternoon, I could say, “I feel like visiting the Micholics this weekend” and I could get in my car and be there in time for dinner! It’s going to be magical :)
BEST NEWS ALL DAY! We can’t wait to host Mr. & Mrs. Kuehne!!!
Natalie, though I would have loved to meet and bond for a longer time I’m happy and excited for the four of you and that’s one of your main quality I think : you’re always positive, eager to discover, meet, open to new things and that’s radiant and will sure always be a big help in life! Keep on this path dear :)
And concerning bonding and keeping the link mails, phones and maybe journeys fortunately do exist! ;D