adventures of an american housewife in the south of france

2 Weeks From Today….

It's been a quiet week over here on the blog.  Between struggling to shake this nasty cold, finishing up my last week of work, and making preparations for our move, I haven't had a lot of time for cooking or blogging.  It's hard to believe that in just 2 short weeks from today, we'll be packing up our U-haul trailer and making the long drive back to the Midwest.  We have lots to do before then, including selling The Hub's car, getting an international driving license, and finalizing the paperwork for our visas. 

know anyone who wants a 2001 Jetta?

We're still planning to sell off all of our furniture and have a garage sale the weekend before we move.  For a long time I felt sad about getting rid of our things.  I tend to attach a lot of sentimental value to objects even if they don't deserve it.  When The Hub and I first started dating, I had this stupid old alarm clock that didn't even really work, but I just couldn't bear to throw it out and get a new one.  Why not?  I have no idea.  But finally The Hub put his foot down and told me to buy a new one.   I'm still learning that things are just things and they are not what's important in life.  A giant purge actually feels good once in awhile and I have to get used to the idea that for foreseeable future, I will not be able to have all of my "stuff' with me.

The Hub's clothes for Goodwill

I've also been busy getting Fig ready for the big move!  I made his final grooming appointment so he'll be nice and pretty for France.  I also scheduled his vet visit where he'll get updated on all his shots and receive his travel certificate.  I was worried about taking Fig on a 10+ hour long flight, but last week we booked our flight to France and I'm very happy with our route.  Fig will be traveling in the cabin with us as my carry-on as he's done many, many times in the past.  We'll be flying from Cleveland to Toronto, a 1 hour flight, and then Toronto to Paris, which is only 7 hours.  The longest flight Fig has been on to date is about 5.5 hours, so I'm glad that this trip won't be much longer than that.  From Paris we'll take another short flight into Montpellier, but there will be time during all of our layovers for me to take Fig to the bathroom and let him stretch his legs a little bit. I decided to get Fig excited for his big move by buying him a little French beret, but he was not so excited about his new attire.  Don't worry, I won't actually make him wear this in France. It feels good to be checking "to-dos" off our list even though the list seems to grow longer by the minute.  But we're taking it day by day and I know we'll get everything done in time.  Check back for updates and I'll keep you all posted!

3 Responses to “2 Weeks From Today….”

  1. Greer says:

    the video of Fig just made my day haha!

  2. jess says:

    you KNOW how happy that video made me :)

  3. wendy says:

    Awww Figgy looks so cute. I’ll miss seeing his shaggy little face! ;)

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