adventures of an american housewife in the south of france

She’s Here!

We're so excited to introduce you to our daughter!


Ramona Rose arrived at 2:52pm on Wednesday, 10/10/12, weighing in at 3.51kg and 48cm long! We are so thrilled and in love! I'll be back next week with Ramona's birth story and more pictures. À bientôt!


15 Responses to “She’s Here!”

  1. Kathryn says:

    SO happy for you!! Sending many hugs and lots of love! Kathryn, Olivia, and Annie

  2. Shannon says:

    I’m so excited for you and Micholique! Welcome Baby Ramona, we can’t wait to meet you :) Congrats again. Love you so much!!

  3. Devon says:

    Congrats Natalie and Michael! I am so glad mom and baby are doing well. I can’t wait to read your next post. Big hugs and kisses to all three of you! xoxoxox

  4. jillian says:

    I’m so thrilled for you guys!! I can’t wait to meet my new best gal, Ramona. Hope you’re feeling good Nat and will talk soon. Love to Ramona!!

  5. Joanne Malene says:

    Congratulations and much love to the three of you!!

  6. Liene says:

    Congratulations! What a cool birthday, 10/10!!!

  7. Mom says:

    So glad everything went well. Can’t wait to see you all and meet my sweet baby granddaughter !!! Love and kisses to you, Ramona and Michael. : )

  8. Donna Keady Ludwig says:

    Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! She is precious, so fresh from God. I remember when you were born, just as beautiful. And I love her name honoring her great grandpa! Blessings to you all.

  9. Sabbio says:

    Oh Natalie, it’s even better seeing both of you on the pic ;) Maternal beauty is absolute here! ♥

  10. Sabbio says:

    In fact you just look like one of my women, the pose and all (I think you have her on a card)… Truly touched by these pictures. Again, love to you three!

  11. maria talarico says:

    I am so happy for you. Baby and mom are gorgeous. Love, Maria Talarico

  12. Karen says:

    congratulations and welcome little miss Ramona! I’m sad we won’t get to meet you and your belly tomorrow at lunch but SO happy for you that your girl is here! xo Karen

  13. Tamar says:

    YAYAYAY!! congratulations to you guys. ramona is so cute!!! hope you are doing great. can’t wait to see more picts. xoxoxo

  14. Bridget says:

    What a lovely little one!! Congrats! Hope you are all doing well!

  15. Vicki Schmieding says:

    Congratulations Natalie and Michael and welcome to the wonderful world of Parenthood. Ramona ia absoutley beautiful. Nothing like a sweet little girl to melt your hearts.

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