Posted on Jan 5th, 2013 in
Haute Life |
In mid December, Grandma came back to Montpellier. And this time she brought Grandpa with her!
I was really excited for Ramona to finally meet her fourth Grandparent. She immediately greeted him with a big smile. She always seems to be smiling with she's around her two Grandpas! She's a charmer already.
We had a really nice week with my parents. My Mom was so amazed with all the ways Ramona had...
Posted on Dec 7th, 2012 in
Haute Life |
The holidays are here! And we're just chugging along here in Montpellier. It's been hard to get any "real" posts written but I wanted to just write a quick update and share some photos from our holidays so far.
Michael's parents, Grandma Joy and Grandpa Todd, came over to France to celebrate Thanksgiving with us and meet their first granddaughter! Their Grandparent resume is quite impressive, as they have a...
Posted on Oct 2nd, 2012 in
Haute Life |
I know it's hard to believe, but we do have other things going on besides the Bonbon. Things like:
- Grandma is recovering! Thank you all so much for your kind words and thoughts about my Grandma. If you don't know, last Tuesday my mom came home from work and found Grandma on the ground. She was moving and responsive, but couldn't remember what happened or how long she'd been down there. She was taken to the...
Posted on Mar 22nd, 2012 in
Haute Life |
There is nothing quite like experiencing a familiar place through a new set of eyes. Especially when those eyes belong to a 2 year old boy.
We had such a great visit with Michael's family, and the highlight was getting to spend 10 days with our sweet nephew Dylan who, at 2 years old, is now his own little person. My sister-in-law J.J. did a great job of showing Dylan pictures of us and Figgy as well as...
Posted on Aug 29th, 2011 in
Haute Life |
What do you do when your only little sister is having a baby shower and you live over 4,000 miles away? Surprise Skype in, of course! Thanks to 21st century technology, living on a different continent than your family isn't so bad. After several test runs earlier in the week (first I could see Mom but not hear her, then she could hear me, but not see me) we finally got Skype up and running at Shady Hollow...
Posted on Aug 22nd, 2011 in
Haute Life |
I think if you asked my Dad, “Hey Dave, what was your favorite part about France? Was it the Eiffel Tower? Seeing Versailles? The Mediterranean Sea?” He would probably say something like, “Hmm, it's a tie between installing the new oven and re-wiring the bathroom lighting.” Seriously. I think my Dad is happiest when he's helping others and fixing things. Case in point: When I was growing up,...
Posted on May 31st, 2011 in
Haute Life |
It's a boy!!! Not for me, sillies, for my sister and her husband! Today Tori found out the sex of the baby and IT. IS. A. BOY.
This is pretty big news for my family. We've never really "had boys." Growing up, it was always me, my sister, and my Mom with my poor Dad cowering in the corner asking if he could please, just please switch over from Entertainment Tonight for one quick second to check the...