We've had a lot going on over here recently, bouncing around from one project to another. Michael is working on a new game that requires him to spend a lot of time in Paris and I've been working on what I hope will turn out to be my first for realz writing assignment. We're also preparing for a visit from Michael's family next week, including our adorable 2-year old nephew! That's right, our 2-year old nephew...
Posted on Jan 23rd, 2012 in
Haute Life |
1 comment
Hello lovely friends! Just a quick note to let you all know that I'm still here. We've had a crazy busy month traveling and visiting with friends and I can't wait to tell you all about it. We spent this weekend doing absolutely n-o-t-h-i-n-g and it was so relaxing and exactly what we needed after this whirlwind of a start to 2012.
We'll be hanging here in Montpellier until early February when I am heading...
Posted on Jun 3rd, 2011 in
Haute Life |
I should start off this post by telling you all that I woke up at 6am today and immediately spent the next 10 hours enduring some very frustrating French bureaucracy. So suffice it to say, I'm pretty tired and cranky right now.
Since Michael leaves for another long trip to L.A. again tomorrow (wah!!) we really needed to begin the process of getting our carte de séjour, or French residency card, before our...
Posted on May 27th, 2011 in
Haute Life |
Hi Everyone!
Are you as happy as I am that it's Friday? I know I should probably tell you all about how I'm adjusting to my new home. I should tell you how much I love my terrace and windows and blah, blah, blah. That is all true, but I have other things on my mind. You see, I've met someone.
Her name is Teti and she's young, beautiful and Italian. Her father is a surgeon and her mother...
Posted on Mar 11th, 2011 in
Haute Life |
I'm happy to report that Fig is going to be just fine! He spent yesterday at Dr. Sams Clinic in Marin County, who my vet said is one of the best Veterinary Orthopedic Surgeons in the country. The clinic was very large and clean and the staff was super friendly. Obviously they fell in love with Fig instantly. Who could resist this adorable, Bed Beardy face?
Dr. Sams explained to me that in many...
Posted on Feb 10th, 2011 in
Haute Life |
Fig is still under "restricted activity" until his appointment with the Orthopedic Surgeon on 2/24, but that didn't stop him from running around all day and playing with his new office friend, Teddy.
People have often told me that Figaro has "human like" eyes and it seems that Teddy has this same feature. Isn't he just the cutest?! (Besides Fig, of course). My new boss at work rescued Teddy last week...
Posted on Jan 28th, 2011 in
Haute Life |
It's hard to explain to a dog that he's on Bed Rest. A dog doesn't understand that running up and down the stairs, playing fetch, jumping onto the couch - things he does daily - is exactly what he's not supposed to be doing this week. My poor little noodle-nugget has been moping around all week acting cranky because no one is playing with him and wondering why I'm carrying him everywhere. Even worse, he...
Posted on Dec 24th, 2010 in
Haute Life |
1 comment
Fig joined us on our long flight back to Wisconsin, and he was a true champ! He stayed calm and quiet in his bag, even during our unexpected 4 hour layover in Chicago.
Fig's been having a great time back in Wisconsin. He's wearing his sweaters to stay warm and he loves playing in the snow. My sister-in-law snapped a cute picture of Fig outside and had the great idea of posting it as his "Snow Beard." ...
Posted on Dec 17th, 2010 in
Haute Life |
1 comment
From the time Figaro was a baby, I have referred to him as my Little Bunny. I'm sure I'm giving him an identity complex, but there is something so precious and cuddly about Fig that makes me think of a soft, little bunny on Easter morning hopping around with some plastic eggs. I don't tell Fig about the fact that bunnies are Michael's arch rival, causing him to sneeze and his eyes to get red and watery...
Posted on Dec 10th, 2010 in
Haute Life |
If you didn't know already, The Hub and I have another awesome member of our little family: our dog, Figaro.
One of my favorite stories to tell is about how Fig and The Hub became acquainted. But to tell you that story, I have to first tell you how the The Hub and I met.
Back in the spring of 2005, I decided that I had finally had enough of living in Boston. I was ready for a change and got the...