Posted on Sep 23rd, 2011 in
Haute Life |
With all this ECLT recapping going on around here lately, I know you've been wondering what we've been up to all week. Well, we've been busy! Our friend Ty and his friend Mike came to town so we spent a day or two showing them around Montpellier, stuffing their faces with amazing food, and playing on the beach.
We've also been working on plans for our travels over the next month which...
Posted on Sep 16th, 2011 in
Haute Life |
Remember when you were in high school and you had to use dial up to connect to the Internet? And then you had to wait 5 minutes between each page jump just to get to to check your email? That's what it feels like using our old, spare computer. So I got my butt in gear, stat, and ordered a new one yesterday! Thanks to a dear friend, I got a great deal on a refurbished Thinkpad T61. That's great...
Posted on Sep 2nd, 2011 in
Haute Life |
We're on vacation, ya'll! But there is one big huge drawback to going on vacation...leaving our little boy behind.
We've been lucky enough to always have friends willing and available to baby-sit little Figgy when we travel and we're working on building another group of baby-sitting friends here in France. During this trip Fig will be staying with a pet-sitter that Stéphanie and Simon recommended for the...
Posted on Aug 26th, 2011 in
Haute Life |
Sorry for no post yesterday and I have to warn you: this isn't going to be much of one either. I had a really good post planned for yesterday, but you'll just have to wait until next week because I'm too busy sitting here wallowing in my own sweat to be motivated to think too much. We're going on nearly two weeks straight of intense sun and humidity with no air conditioning or reprieve, and it's making me...
Posted on Aug 19th, 2011 in
Haute Life,
Travel |
Happy Friday, ya'll! Sorry it's been a bit quiet over here. The 'rents are here and I've been busy showing off my new country. The Hub and I are so happy to have them here and someone else is too. If there's one thing Figgy loves, it's his "Grandparents." Case in point: Yesterday when we walked into the apartment, Fig went straight to Grandpa and Grandma and not to me. I think it's all the treat-giving...
Posted on Aug 12th, 2011 in
Haute Life |
1 comment
It's time to get on the road again! On Sunday morning, The Hub and I are headed back up to Paris to meet up with my parents. I'm really excited to see them and for them to have their first taste of Europe. We'll be spending 2 days in Paris, 1 day in Versailles and then it's back down to Montpellier for 4 days. It's going to be so nice to spend some time with them.
When The Hub and I told my parents we...
Posted on Aug 5th, 2011 in
Haute Life |
Happy Friday friends!
The sweltering heat wave from this week was finally broken today by a bit of rain. Fig and I stayed inside finishing the rest of the unpacking, doing some laundry, and tidying the house. We were hoping to take a little day trip this weekend, but this rain just may thwart our plans. With all the traveling we've done over the last few weeks and the traveling we'll be doing next week...
Posted on Jul 29th, 2011 in
Haute Life,
Travel |
The whole family returned from Cannes last night and we had a great time! A HUGE thank you to our friends Scott and Natalie who invited us to be their guests on this trip. We laid on the beach, ate some amazing food, and enjoyed living the high life.
Fig also had a great time in Cannes. We were so happy to learn that he was allowed to be on the beach with us. Fig LOVES the beach. I practically...
Posted on Jul 22nd, 2011 in
Haute Life |
It's been a busy Friday over here in Montpellier. Our overly generous friends, Scott and Natalie, invited us to join them on a vacation to Cannes beginning tomorrow! We're really excited to hit the beach and spend some days living in style on the French Riviera. We'll be in town for 5 days and this trip comes at the perfect time because The Hub and I are getting ready to celebrate our 2 year wedding...
Posted on Jul 15th, 2011 in
Haute Life |
This is an exciting post because it's the first time I'm using the WordPress iPhone app! I'm so techy here in France.
It's been a really fun few days with my girlfriend Melina in town. We walked all around Montpellier and celebrated Bastille Day with a rooftop party.
Today went to St. Guilhem to go kayaking in the Hérault River. The whole trip was 12 km and the last 4 or so were pretty brutal as we...