adventures of an american housewife in the south of france

Holidays in Montpellier, Part 2: The Return of Grandma (and Grandpa!)

In mid December, Grandma came back to Montpellier.  And this time she brought Grandpa with her!

I was really excited for Ramona to finally meet her fourth Grandparent.  She immediately greeted him with a big smile.  She always seems to be smiling with she's around her two Grandpas!  She's a charmer already.

maybe not a smile, but close enough, right?

We had a really nice week with my parents.  My Mom was so amazed with all the ways Ramona had changed already from her first visit 5 weeks earlier.  Ramona was alert (awake!) and babbling away.  All five of us went to the Marché de Noël for a little Christmas shopping and my Mom and I even snuck off to the Polygon by ourselves for about 2 hours while Dad and Grandpa stayed with Ramona.  It was the longest I'd ever been away from her!

My parents also took us out to dinner at a real restaurant.  I have to admit, I was a little bit nervous.  Ramona gets pretty fussy around 6 or 7 at night and the restaurants in France don't start serving dinner until 7:30pm, not to mention that they usually last about 3 hours long!  I wasn't sure how Ramona would do.  But this turned out to be a great way to ease into the "dining out with a baby" experience, because we ate at the restaurant at the top of the Pullman Hotel where my parents were staying, so we could escape to their room if needed.  Michael changed her and I fed her right before we left.  We packed up the diaper bag, put her in the stroller and walked over to the hotel, hoping she'd fall asleep on the way...and she did!  She stayed sleeping until we were finished with our main course and then she started stirring.  Before she could really start crying, my mom and I took her downstairs to my parents' room where I changed her and fed her until she was a happy girl again.  We returned to the restaurant just in time for dessert and Ramona lasted through the last drop of coffee.  Then, it was time to go.  Our little Drama Queen screamed the whole walk home, but we made it and we're all still alive.  Score one for the parents!


our perfect angel

It was really hard for my parents to leave.  I can't believe how much Ramona will change between now and the next time we see them!  We're definitely feeling very far from our families now that the little one is here.  We've planned lots of FaceTime dates with the Grandmas and Grandpas and can't wait for the next time when we can all be together again.

see you soon, Grandma!

16 Responses to “Holidays in Montpellier, Part 2: The Return of Grandma (and Grandpa!)”

  1. Dawn says:

    Ramona is so cute in her ruffle jumper. She is a perfect little angel indeed!

  2. Susan says:

    She is such a darling child! No wonder they didn’t ‘t want to leave! But they are also enjoying seeing THEIR baby grow as a momma! They will miss you both! :)

  3. Sabbio says:

    That is so precious you could all share these moments! And it’s weird for me to see her wide awake ;)

  4. Mom says:

    Your dad and I had such a wonderful time visiting with you, Michael, and our sweet, sweet
    granddaughter. We miss spending time with Ramona, loving her and enjoying her. We could just look at her for hours! I can’t tell you enough how much we love being grandparents!!
    We miss you all and can’t wait to see you again. Look forward to our FaceTime and Skype dates! Love and kisses! xoxoxo

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