On New Year's Day, just shy of 12 weeks old, Miss Ramona Rose rolled over.
I know, I know. She's the first baby ever to do this. We're sending out autographs upon request.
Michael and I were so excited and proud. Watching Ramona's determination to flip from her back to her belly and begin the journey of mobility was fascinating. She worked hard all day and by the evening, she had mastered the roll. This girl is strong and she wants to move! And now that she knows how to do it, there is no stopping her. Any time you set her on her back, she flips over. I call her my little rolling pin. I swear she's going to be crawling any day now.
Today Ramona is 3 months old. It's really amazing to me to see how much she's changed in just 3 short months. These last few weeks of the "fourth trimester" have been so fun. Watching the magic and beauty of the universe unfold right in front of her newly opened eyes, well, it's been incredible. This stage of alertness and curiousity is inspiring. Every day she discovers something new in the simplicity of her surroundings. For example, did you know that she has hands? And have you met that baby in the mirror? She's pretty cute. There's also a furry creature around that is starting to pique her interest. She's a busy, busy girl. Babbling away, grabbing at everything, and mimicking Mom and Dad. Oh, and drooling. Lots of drooling.
The three of us have begun to emerge from the fog of new life, new parenthood, and new challenges. We recently ended a 10 week battle with thrush (which I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy) and Ramona's sleeping patterns, though a bit inconsistent, are totally manageable. The love I have for this girl is vast and boundless. Each day I just don't know how I could love her any more, but the love keeps growing and growing.
And now, I present to you, the Evolution of a Roll, in three parts. This is what sheer determination looks like in its most raw and instinctual form.
So, so proud of my big girl!
They are both starting to discover each other and it’s really sweet! Fig was totally disinterested in her at first, but now he often comes over to sniff and lick her head. When she was figuring out how to roll, Fig would get very upset when she was frustrated. If she would cry, he would cry!
Tekrar gittik, bu sefer sorunlar baya azalmıştı. Servis iyiydi, eleman sayısını arttırmışlar. Elemanlar daha tecrübeliydi.Tavuk ÅŸiÅŸ yedik, harikaydı. DiÄŸer ÅŸiÅŸlerden daha lezzetliydi. Sosu çok yakışmış.Tek eksiÄŸi tatlısının iyi olmaması,onun üzerinde de çalışıyorlarmış. Fiyatı biraz sınırların üstünde ama bu sefer güzeldi.VA:F [1.9.22_1171]please wait…VA:D [1.9.22_1171](from 1 vote)
rubenmoon Why would I work really hard at making my page the way I want it to look when other people will only physically see way not the same way? The sequence is all different with an added post that I don’t see from my computer. That’s so weird, to design something for people not to see it the way you designed it or sequenced it?????
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I have not yet met this little girl, but I am totally in love with her! :) Love from the Watson women!
She is adorable Natalie! Has she discovered Figgy yet? What do they think of each other? Love you!
They are both starting to discover each other and it’s really sweet! Fig was totally disinterested in her at first, but now he often comes over to sniff and lick her head. When she was figuring out how to roll, Fig would get very upset when she was frustrated. If she would cry, he would cry!
aaaaah, the best!
Love her!! I cannot wait to meet her one day!
Rolling over while putting her thumb/hand in her mouth!? Such a little multi-tasker – I love it!!!
These days, there are very few things she will do without her hand in her mouth!!
So awesome, Nat! I just love her!
Oh my goodness! Ramona is so, so, precious!
Your mom just mentioned that Ramona is 3 months!! How can that be??? Didn’t you just have her like 10 minutes ago?? Wow, time flies with babies!
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Tekrar gittik, bu sefer sorunlar baya azalmıştı. Servis iyiydi, eleman sayısını arttırmışlar. Elemanlar daha tecrübeliydi.Tavuk ÅŸiÅŸ yedik, harikaydı. DiÄŸer ÅŸiÅŸlerden daha lezzetliydi. Sosu çok yakışmış.Tek eksiÄŸi tatlısının iyi olmaması,onun üzerinde de çalışıyorlarmış. Fiyatı biraz sınırların üstünde ama bu sefer güzeldi.VA:F [1.9.22_1171]please wait…VA:D [1.9.22_1171](from 1 vote)
rubenmoon Why would I work really hard at making my page the way I want it to look when other people will only physically see way not the same way? The sequence is all different with an added post that I don’t see from my computer. That’s so weird, to design something for people not to see it the way you designed it or sequenced it?????
Oh wow… What a beauty!!! She’s splendid and melts my heart!
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