First of all, THANK YOU all so much for your kind comments, posts, emails, texts, and tweets! Seriously, we had the best day on Monday just basking in all the love and well wishes we received after our announcement - we are so lucky!
Since discovering our big news, there has been a lot I've wanted to share about going through this experience in France. Many friends and family members have already asked us...
It's hard to believe that it's been over a year since we said good-bye to San Francisco and started our long journey across the country and back to the Midwest. It's hard to believe that exactly one year ago today, after a very frustrating trip, we arrived in Montpellier, exhausted and scared without a place to stay. Relatively speaking, a year is not that long, but in other ways our life before France seems...
Posted on Apr 20th, 2012 in
Haute Life |
Since we've been in France for almost a year now (can you believe it?!), I thought I'd give you all an update on how our French is coming along. It's been awhile since my last update, so maybe you think we're fluent now?
Yeah right. In a nutshell, here's how I'd describe our French: meh. It's a really difficult language to learn in your thirties. I sort of feel as though we've hit a plateau...
Posted on Apr 18th, 2012 in
Travel |
After all the traveling that Michael had been doing (I think he was home a total of like, 4 days in the last month), we took a very relaxed approach to our trip to Prague. We didn't go into the trip with any sort of agenda - we ate and drank, we slept in, and we didn't pressure ourselves to see a lot of "sights." We didn't go to any museums (shocker!), we took a very different approach to our boat tour, and we...
Posted on Apr 10th, 2012 in
Haute Life |
Ahoj! Just a quick note to update you all on two things.
First of all, we're having an amazing time in Prague. It's odd, but the city feels like a perfect combination of many of the places we've visited over the last year, like Stockholm for all the bridges, Copenhagen for the bright green rooftop spires, Amsterdam for the winding cobblestones, and Annecy for the numerous Easter markets. We feel right at home...
Posted on Apr 6th, 2012 in
Haute Life |
A few of my random thoughts this Friday.
Figgy's 7th birthday is on Sunday and Michael and I will be in Prague. Fig will be with his second family, who absolutely adore him, but I am feeling oddly guilty about not being with him on his birthday. Not like he knows, right? Still, I feel like a bad mom.
I'm pretty much completely obsessed with smoothies and someone probably needs to have an...
Posted on Apr 4th, 2012 in
Haute Life,
Travel |
Some people might call her crazy, some might call her optimistic, but I call her One Brave Super Mom. My sister-in-law J.J. courageously traveled thousands of miles to a different country with her 2-year old son, just to visit us in France! Thanks to the (huge) help of her parents, the trip went smoothly and can officially be considered a success. When I asked J.J. if she minded sharing some tips on traveling...