Posted on Mar 31st, 2011 in
Haute Life |
It's been a quiet week over here on the blog. Between struggling to shake this nasty cold, finishing up my last week of work, and making preparations for our move, I haven't had a lot of time for cooking or blogging. It's hard to believe that in just 2 short weeks from today, we'll be packing up our U-haul trailer and making the long drive back to the Midwest. We have lots to do before then, including selling...
Posted on Mar 29th, 2011 in
Recipes |
On Sunday, our dear friends Nate and Jess had us over for a delicious farewell dinner. It was our first of many goodbyes and it wasn't easy! We always love spending time with them, and lately their friendship has been especially valuable because a few years ago they also relocated to France with the same company as The Hub. We've been picking their brains and asking them countless questions over the last year...
Posted on Mar 25th, 2011 in
Haute Life |
This week's Bed Beard post is going to be short and sweet. Between the stress of moving, being sick for the last 3 days and the fact that it Just. Won't. Stop. Raining, I feel like all my energy has been zapped.
I've been pumping myself full of Zicam, Sudafed, and Z-pack but I just can't seem to shake this bug! And I better to do it fast because I have a very fun weekend ahead of me followed by 3 weeks of...
Posted on Mar 24th, 2011 in
Haute Life |
Last week, our friends Dawn and Marq invited us to join them at Opaque, a restaurant that allows its patrons to experience dining in a completely unique way: in the dark. This European trend arrived to SF a few years and the point is for the diners to use their senses of taste, touch, sound and smell, rather than sight, when eating. All of their servers are either blind or visually impaired and are specially...
Posted on Mar 23rd, 2011 in
Hump Day |
I think by now you know how The Hub and I feel about California wines. We love them. We're going to miss their accessibility here in San Francisco. I probably shouldn't be saying this....but we struggle with French wines. I just never can seem to find one that I love as much as a bold, spicy California red. I think the hardest part for me, is that picking out a French wine is a completely different...
Posted on Mar 22nd, 2011 in
Recipes |
Our friends Jill and Aaron has us over on Sunday for a fabulous dinner and to spend some time with their adorable little nugget, Dezi.
Isn't he a doll? He is such a good baby and Jill and Aaron are an awesome parenting team. It was so great to watch them take turns caring for their son as dinner was organized- they make it look so easy! Jill prepared a beautiful dinner of Kale and Olive Bruschetta,...
Posted on Mar 21st, 2011 in
Recipes |
In the spirit of embracing our move to France, I have been trying my hand at a few classic French dishes, like the Salmon en Papillote. Last weekend I decided to make Coq au Vin for The Hub, Kate and Shawn.
Do you think it's beautiful? Well you better, because it took me almost SIX HOURS to make it. It was a labor of love that was really, really delicious. The French sure know how to develop flavor...
Posted on Mar 18th, 2011 in
Haute Life |
1 comment
Happy Friday everyone! Thank you all so much for your kind words of support as we embark on this new step in our lives. We've had lots of questions come up from friends and family in the last few weeks and we thought it would be fun to address them on the blog. If there is anything else you want to know about our move, just ask!
What does The Hub do?
Besides being an awesome husband, he does marketing...
Posted on Mar 17th, 2011 in
Haute Life |
For the last few weeks I have been hinting at a big announcement and I think it is finally time to share it. After nearly a year of persistence, hard work and patience, we finally made it happen…on April 22nd, Michael, Fig and I are moving to Montpellier, France!
Living abroad has been a huge goal of ours, both as individuals before we met, and now as a family. Michael and I have been talking about and...
Posted on Mar 16th, 2011 in
Hump Day,
Recipes |
Yesterday we had our Monthly Office Happy Hour at work. It's nice to work at a place where events like Happy Hour are valued and given a 4:00 time slot. I was in charge of bringing this month's cocktail and, still feeling like the new girl, wanted to make something that my co-workers would really like. It's been gray, dreary and rainy here in SF the last few weeks, so I thought a fun island drink like these...